DN Spotlight: Amy Yule
15th June 2020
DN Spotlight: Amy Yule

Amy in costume for her ballet number for our upcoming show, Stardust

DN Spotlight: Amy Yule has been coming to DN Dance for almost as long as we’ve been running. She has kept on coming even after moving miles away and now travels further than any other DN student to get to her dance classes. We’ve watched Amy grow from a tiny tot into a beautiful young dancer and we love that she has danced in almost every dance show with us. Today we’re speaking to Amy and her mum Suzanne about their time and experiences at DN Dance over the past decade.

When did your DN Dance journey begin?

Suzanne – “Amy started DN Dance in 2011 just before her second birthday. Classes were at Craiglockhart; it had been recommended to us by friends and Amy loved it from day one.”

DN Spotlight: Amy Yule

Amy with her very first ballet rosette

What are your earliest memories of DN Dance?

Suzanne – “I remember one of the songs they used to sing in her preschool dance class; ‘Little Hands, Get Ready’, we were singing it all week”

Amy – “My earliest memory was being in the first dance show at the Pleasance Theatre in Edinburgh when I did my tap dance to ‘It’s Magic’”

What has kept you coming to dancing for so long?

Suzanne – “Amy has really enjoyed dancing. We moved out of Edinburgh in 2013 but Amy was so happy we decided to keep her dancing at DN Dance”

DN Spotlight: Amy Yule

Amy in costume for her first show dance

What are your best memories from your time with us?

Amy – “My best memories are of doing all the dance shows and also getting good grades in my dance exams

What’s your favourite class and why?

Amy – “I love my Friday ballet and tap dance class because all the girls in my class are so nice and I really enjoy doing ballet and tap”

What’s been your proudest achievements at DN Dance?

Amy – “My proudest achievement was getting a distinction in my Grade 2 Modern dance exam this year”

DN Spotlight: Amy Yule

Amy in her ballet costume for her second DN Dance show in 2018

What positives has dancing had on your daughter?

Suzanne – “Dancing has really helped build Amy’s confidence in so many ways. From the shows, to the exams, to meeting new people, dancing has helped Amy overcome her shyness”

If someone asked you to describe what DN Dance was like, what would you say?

Amy – “I would say that DN Dance is great fun and friendly”

DN Spotlight: Amy Yule

Amy in her tap costume for her dance in stardust

We’ve loved shining the DN Spotlight on Amy Yule and her mum Suzanne about their time at DN Dance. We’re so proud of Amy and how she a grown such a confident, beautiful and talented young dancer. Amy was a shy little girl when she first started coming to classes and it’s been a privilege to watch her transformation into the wonderful person she is today. Amy has given us so many fond memories over the last decade and we’re looking forward to making many more with her, starting with our 10th Anniversary show – Stardust.

A huge thank you to Amy and her mum Suzanne from all the DN team for everything you bring to the #DNDanceFamily

RAD Registered Teacher