Dance Classes at FetLor Youth Club in North Edinburgh
23rd October 2020

DN Dance offer super fun dance classes for kids on Fridays and Saturday’s at FetLor Youth Club in Edinburgh. FetLor is located on Crewe Road South, between Stockbridge and Crewe Toll. It’s new £2.5m clubhouse has a custom built dance studio, which makes it a superb venue and home to our North Edinburgh dance classes.

The dance studio at Fetlor

Dance studio at FetLor: bright, spacious and modern

FetLor Youth Club was founded almost 100 years ago and recently opened a wonderful new clubhouse for the local community. It’s impressive facilities include a bright, spacious and modern dance studio and sports hall. The excellent facilities at FetLor are home to our kids dance classes on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. FetLor provides us with a great quality space, in safe and secure environment, where kids to learn dance and have fun.

Friday dance classes at FetLor: for kids age 8-14

The dance classes we offer at FetLor on a Friday are Grades 1-3 Ballet and Grades 1-4 Tap. These classes are perfect for kids from age 8-14 years old and we have several class options running between 2:45pm to 6:15pm. We follow the ISTD syllabus and students will have the opportunity to take dance exams as they progress through each grade. To book a class online, view our dance timetable page and find the right class for you.

Ballet dancer

Student Alina, dancing her ballet solo

Ballet dance classes: Grades 1-3

Classical ballet has a big influence on all the training we offer at DN Dance. That’s because it is the foundation from which nearly all dance styles have developed. Ballet teaches strong dance technique, athleticism, poise, balance and precision. It demands an invisible strength, where physically challenging moves and sequences are made to look effortless and graceful. As a result, taking a Ballet class will improve your abilities in almost every other style of dance. It’s also a great way to keep fit and stay physically and mentally healthy.

Student Rose, dancing her Tap solo

Tap dance classes: Grades 1-4

Tap is a great fun dance style to learn because it combines a love of dance, music and performance. It also teaches the dancer about choreography, improvisation and syncopation. Students enjoy coming to tap class because they love finding the beats and patterns in music and tapping them it out with their feet. It also requires a lot of aerobic movement and weight shift which improves your fitness, coordination, balance, and core control. As you progress through the grades, putting the steps together becomes more complex, which is great exercise for your brain. Not to mention, making noise just feels good!

Saturday dance classes at FetLor: for kids age 3-7

Lillie in her Little Dancers uniform

On Saturdays at FetLor we run dance classes for kids aged from 3-7 years old in three different age groups (Little, Mini & Junior). These younger years classes include a combination of several different styles within one class (Ballet, Tap & Jazz). This format is a well-established favourite because it offers great variety for shorter attention spans. It also gives kids the opportunity to learn multiple styles in one lesson. View our dance timetable page to find the right class for you and to book online.

Little Dancers: Ballet & Tap for kids age 3 & 4

Our “Little Dancers” age group is a combination dance class which includes both Ballet & Tap, beginning at just 3 years old. We teach using a combination of music and imagination taking little ones on magical adventures where movement to music forms the foundations of dance technique. Students develop motor and loco-motor skills and learn the basic elements of movement, rhythm and musicality, as well as the foundations of ballet, tap. Dancing at such a young age is great for physical development, self-expression, creativity, and imagination. It’s also great fun!

Our minis in a tap shoe circle

Mini Dancers: Ballet, Tap & Jazz for kids age 5 & 6

Our “Mini Dancers” age group is for kids aged 5 & 6 years. This combination dance class includes Ballet and Tap with a sprinkle of Modern/Jazz in a single class. Focus is on developing elementary skills in technique, vocabulary and choreography across the three dance genres. As a result, students benefit from the different skills picked up in each style and the variety is perfect for this age group. It’s also a great way for kids to stay active, meet friends, stimulate creativity and have fun.

Junior Dancers: Ballet, Tap & Jazz for kids age 7

Our “Junior Dancers” age group is for kids aged 7 & 8 years. This class which includes Ballet, Tap and Jazz with 30 minutes dedicated to each style in a 90-minute class. It’s a key transitional class for students because, at 7 years old, they are gaining a stronger identity and becoming clearer on dance style preferences. Once kids reach 8 or 9 years old, all classes are taken in individual disciplines so this dance class is one of the remaining opportunities to benefit from taking multiple styles in one class.

How to book

We’d love to welcome you along to our dance classes at FetLor on a Friday or Saturday. You can book online via our online dance class timetable. Alternatively, for more information on any of our classes, get in touch and one of our friendly, experienced team will be happy to help.

RAD Registered Teacher